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A Merry Ballad of Christmas

With old familiar sign,
The festival divine
Ruddies the snow-clogged way;
Butchers and toy-shops flame,—
Because the Lord Christ came
To wash our sins away.

Without 'tis merry, snowing,
A-roaring and a-blowing;
Within the wine is flowing,
And men and maids are jolly,
With mistletoe and holly—
Because the Lord Christ gave
Himself our souls to save.

Yet, underneath the singing,
The fiddling and the flinging,
A thought I cannot still
Stalks like a guest unbidden,
Steals like a secret hidden,
Laying its fingers chill
Upon the heart of mirth
That laughs for Jesu's birth-
(Fie on such melancholy,
With mistletoe and holly!)

From an old book I read,
Somewhere within my head
The story lingers
Of a grim castle-hold,
In dreaming days of old,
And knights and singers,
And ladies clad in vair,
And a great feasting there,
Torches and swords in air:
Then, in some lull of mirth,
From far beneath the earth,
Came there a wailing—

The wind was it? wailing—
A voice of woe so vast
It held the feasters fast:
So might the lost in hell
Pierce, for a little spell,
The peace of Paradise
With uncouth cries. . . .

Once more the feasters laughed,
Cozened their feres and quaffed,—
'Twas but the knaves that lay,
Far from the light of day,
Beneath their dancing feet,
Rotting and raving,
Chained down with rats and slime,
Lost out of space and time—
(Souls not worth saving!)
So kept they Lord Christ's day,
In the time fled away.

What was my thought, though?
Hearken the whispering snow
Against the pane—
Lord Christ! the wind doth blow
A wild refrain;
Louder, O music, play,
Nimbler, O dancers, glide. . . .

Nay! music cease to play,
Dancers a space abide—
Hearken yon wailing!
The wind is it—wailing?
Nay 'tis the folk that lie
Out in the night there,
The men that starve and die
Far from the light there;
From oubliettes of pain,
From wheel and rack and chain,
Beneath your dancing feet,
Tripping so fleet, so sweet,
From folk that rave and rot,
Forsaken and forgot,
Comes the wild wind's refrain,
Comes all that wailing—
To-day, as long ago,
Long as the wind shall blow,
Long as the snow shall snow. . . .

(But merry is the street,
And merry is the hall,
And a Merry Christmas, gentles all!)

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