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On Growing Old

Growing old—did you say?
Well, if years must be told,
I suppose one is old;
For this surely is gray
That as surely was gold,
And one's years in the sun
Grow fewer to run;
Where you dream, I have done,
Where you fight, I have won—
If that's to be old.

But, is this to be old?
To love like a boy,
To drink all the joy
Of the green and the blue
Of the earth, like a toy
Made of wonder and dew;
To taste all things new,
As the newest of moons,
As the latest of tunes,
As the brightest of spoons;
To find all things magic—
Laughing or tragic—
All marvel and mirth,
Nothing else on the earth—
Nothing common or stale;
Life all nightingale,
All rainbow and rose,
All song and no prose;
All dreaming of dreams,
And running of streams;
And death a new star
Drawing near from afar—
Is that to be old?

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