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Ballade of the Poet and the Moon

The day has gone of lovely things,
  According to the modern bard;
Of dreariness and dross he sings,
  And hymns the homely and the hard,
  The sweat-shop and the engine yard;
Of these he makes his doleful tune,
  And plenteous slang doth interlard—
I still prefer to sing the moon.

Dry are the Heliconian springs,
  And sere is Enna flower-bestarred;
Speak not of Pegasus his wings,
  For all such ancientry is barred,—
  Yea! feathered shalt thou be and tarred
For such old nonsense in thy rune,—
  By Heloise and Abelard,
I still prefer to sing the moon.

Nor dare to speak of queens and kings,
  Democracy is now the card;
On the fair Past the poet flings
  The flint, the pebble and the shard;
  The gospels of the Savoyard
Have wrought this sans-culottish boon,—
  O for some frankincense and nard!
I still prefer to sing the moon.


Ah! Prince—or rather I mean "pard"—
  Let's to our lotus and lagoon,
And call for our Pretorian guard:
  I still prefer to sing the moon.

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