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Morning at Sea

Out of the constant east the breeze
Brings morning, like a wafted rose,
Across the glimmering lagoon,
And wakes the still palmetto trees,
And blows adrift the phantom moon,
That paler and still paler glows——

  Up with the anchor—let's be going!
  O hoist the sail—and let's be going!
  Glory and glee
  Of the morning sea—
  Ah! let's be going.

Under our keel, a glass of dreams,
Still fairer than the morning sky,
A jewel shot with blue and gold,
The swaying clearness streams and gleams;
A crystal mountain smoothly rolled
O'er magic gardens flowing by——

  Over we go the sea-fans waving,
  Over the rainbow corals paving
  The deep-sea floor;
  No more, no more,
  Would I seek the shore
  To make my grave in—
  O sea-fans waving.

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