Ah! sweetheart, seek not to explain
Why grass is green and skies are blue,
Nor mar, with small enquiring brain,
What wiser heads than I and you
Pondered, yet fathomed not—'tis best
To marvel, and to leave the rest.
To worship, not to comprehend,
You are as lovely as you are;
And so it is, enchanted friend,
With water-lily and with star;
And—Love, what means it? Ask as soon
The meaning of the rising moon.
O is it not enough to draw
This breath of being, you and I,
Girt round with loveliness and awe?
Why should we ask the reason why?
The gods gave us this summer day
To love in—not explain away.
O lips as red as yonder rose,
I kiss and question not—content;
Nor spoil such poesy with prose
Of what the high immortals meant—
To pack with such mysterious bliss
The simple action of a kiss.
Nor why this fury of delight,
Blent so with pathos and with pain.
Ah! love, too soon draws on the night,
Kiss—lest we never kiss again!
I cannot tell the reason why,
But I shall love you till I die.