I bought a cave of late in a lone isle,
With pillared dome of glittering stalagmite,
Driven thereto, a lorn distracted wight,
By men that earth and air and sea defile,
A being whom the vulgar times compel
Leaving the noise and glare of things behind.
Dim corridors far down to Hades wind:
Perchance some gleaming fairy folk from hell
May come a-singing up from underground,
Naked as flowers, with silver asphodel
And wreaths of laurel crowned,
Lordly of limb and blinding fair of face,
To banquet with me in that lonely place.
There shall I sit and let the world go to,
And sometimes, while yet sleeps the noisy crew,
Ere the first air-ship blots the morning star,
I shall steal softly up to my blue door,
And gaze on my lost comrades from afar—
Earth, sea and sky, once mine, but mine no more.