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Ballade of the Road Unknown

Let others keep the beaten track,
  The straight and narrow path of fears,
Like timid travellers looking back
  At any sound that meets their ears;
  Shall I, because some neighbour jeers,
Follow the same dull road as he;
  Or steer the coward course he steers?—
The lure of the road unknown for me.

A hickory stick, a shouldered pack,
  Bread and a book, the wine that cheers,
The sun and moon for almanack,
  The planets leaning on their spears,
  A bush for inn as twilight nears,
And somewhere through it all the sea;
  Afoot again as morning peers—
The lure of the road unknown for me.

When comes the fatal click and clack
  Of Time's relentless iron shears,
When the thin ice of life goes crack,
  And the black gulf beneath uprears,
  And all the kind world disappears;
Still, as of old, my cry shall be,
  Somewhere high up amid the spheres—
The lure of the road unknown for me.


Dear Prince, the old romantic years
  Were filled with glory, girls and glee;
But, though I love them through my tears—
  The lure of the road unknown for me.

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