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Did you ever feel this about the sea,
In her huge enfolding ecstasy
Lost as you lay,
Adream and asway—
That you yourself were about to be
Rock and sea-weed, and even as she?
That you swayed and swung on the brink of a change,
A wordless glory, a wild and strange
Translation blindingly swift and sweet;
That, a moment more,
And a secret door,
As it were, would open and take you in,
And you and the sea be kin and kin,
And the land nevermore be pressed of your feet.

Ah! when your heart is filled full with the sea,
And your body hangs poised, like a crystal sphere,
In an infinite ether of mystical glee,
Streamed through and through,
Like the sunlit dew,
With a glory of gold,
And a glory of blue;
With the delicate vastness of heaven as near
And soft as a flower or a tear;
Flesh no more, but a thing to hold
Joy like a cup and song like a bird:
Only in music is hidden the word
For the height and the depth of your ecstasy,
Lost in a palace of light, and alone,
As a god is alone, with the sea.

O then of the sea have a care!
In that moment of high content
Is the mystical snare;
It was that the wise Greek meant
By the sea-nymph and her hair.
Call back your heart, lest it fill
Too full of felicity,
Your mortal heart, lest it break
With too much of divinity,
And the soul of waters enter in,
And you and the sea be kin and kin!
Ah! then shall you watch, as she sways and sings,
The earth and its folk as alien things.

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