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Two Lovers

(To Howard and Lucy Hinton)

The loveliest lovers that I know
Wear on their heads two crowns of snow;
It is a fashion of the hair
Upon their heads both brave and fair.
Their beauty, more from day to day,
Time gave, but cannot take away.
A girlish bloom her face still wears,
But no girl in a thousand years
Had ever yet a face like hers;
Nor any youth at twenty's prime
Glanced like this emperor of Time.

Ah, girl, entranced before your glass,
If but for you the years shall pass
As for this twain, you need not fear
For all this beauty now so dear;
For it shall grow a fairer thing.
Now 'tis a blank unmeaning page,
That doth but callow boys engage;
The nobler meanings Time shall bring,
The lovely writing of the soul,
As on some bright illumined scroll,
Shall tell a golden story there;
And lovelier still your face shall be,
Of lasting sweets the honeyed hive,
Though you should then be eighty-three,
And he, your love, be eighty-five.

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